member of association中文什么意思

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  1. Guangzhou golden way environmental technology co . , ltd is a new high - tech enterprise located in the science - tech park of huanghua gang of high - tech industry development zone , guangzhou city , is the member of association of guangdong provincial environmental protection industry , of the association of guangzhou municipal environmental protection industry , and of the dongshan science - tech enterprise development promotion council of guangzhou
  2. He is a member of association for the cultural promtion of chinese population , a member of the industrial art society of china , a member of the painters ' association of sichuan , the standing director of the calligraphy and painting branch of sichuan industrial art society , a member of the painters ' association of chengdu , fine arts editor of the family plan propaganda and education center of chengdu
  3. We were successively invited as committee member of chinese forest product industrial association flooring committee , drafting unit of solid wood flooring national standard , chinese timber circulation vice president , commissioner of china lumber standardized technical committee and member of association for promotion of china ' s long march to quality campaign , etc


  1. member of academic committee 什么意思
  2. member of an equation 什么意思
  3. member of an irregular military force 什么意思
  4. member of an organization 什么意思
  5. member of art troupe 什么意思
  6. member of board of directors 什么意思
  7. member of breeding association 什么意思
  8. member of bridge club 什么意思
  9. member of certification system 什么意思
  10. member of christ 什么意思


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